This website is the property of FERFLEX®. The purpose of this site is to provide you with information and to sell Ferflex® products and accessories. The head office of Ferflex® is located at
rue de Poumet - 64 170 Artix

Website created by:
For the design and webdesign part: Karine Davancens / Webmarketing Manager Ferflex®
For the technical part (development, integration and hosting): Agence Web Digiactif


140, Quai du Sartel - 59100 ROUBAIX
SAS au capital de 500 000€ - RCS Roubaix-Tourcoing 424 761 419 00011


Conformément à la loi n°78-17 du 6 janvier 1978, les informations recueillies sur l’Internaute par le biais de formulaires ne pourront être divulguées sans son accord préalable sauf en cas d’obligations règlementaires ou légales. L’Internaute dispose d’un droit d’accès, de modification ou de suppression des informations le concernant qu’il peut exercer par simple courrier à l’adresse postale ci-dessous ou par notre formulaire de contact.
Magnet Deco - Rue de Poumet – 64 170 Artix


The site and the present legal notice are subject to French law.


Ferlex® is a registered trademark with the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) and belongs to the company MAGNET DECO.
The reproduction, the use, the exploitation of any element of publication of the site (text, image, elements of graphic design,...) are forbidden without a preliminary agreement on behalf of MAGNET DECO. The non-observance of this prohibition constitutes a counterfeit being able to engage the civil and penal liability of the counterfeiter.


In a particular concern of transparency and protection of the rights of the User, MAGNET DECO will not obtain information allowing to identify the User personally except if he communicates it to us by filling and sending us the forms appearing on the site.

In accordance with Article 34 of the Law "Informatique et Libertés" n°78-17 of January 6, 1978, the User has a right of access and rectification of data concerning him by contacting MAGNET DECO


During a visit on its site, MAGNET DECO is likely to implant a cookie in the computer of the User. A cookie is a small block of data sent to the User's browser by a web server and stored on the User's computer hard drive. The cookie does not personally identify the User.

In general, it allows us to record information relating to the navigation of the User's computer on the site (pages consulted, date, time and duration of consultation, language and country, etc.). Cookies are only used by MAGNET DECO in order to personalize the service offered to the User. This information will be read during the User's subsequent visits in order to facilitate his navigation. The cookie cannot, under any circumstances, damage the data on the computer.

The User can naturally oppose the recording of cookies by configuring his browser and deactivating this function on his browser. Even when this function is deactivated, the User can still access the Site.

He can also delete cookies at any time and individually by referring to the user manual of his computer.


Anaëlle Leroy
© Jonathan Buso
©Kokondo Studio
© Albane De Marnhac / @albane.demarnhac
© Anaïs / @anaisnannini
© Jerome Tarakci / @jerometarakci
© Amy Oligny Bisaillon / @amyolignybisaillon
© GAÏA ☾ / @gaia.picture
© Elodie Davis Photo / @elodiedavisphoto
© Rozenn B / @littlerozephotography


Gaëlle Milhas