It is recommended not to store rolled wallpapers, magnetic blackboards, colored boards and posters for more than two months. Prolonged storage may alter the adhesive's effectiveness, and traces of the product's roll-up may persist.
Be sure to store your Ferflex products in a dry, moisture-free environment. For best preservation, avoid extreme temperature variations.
For black wallpapers and magnetic boards, we recommend storing them rolled up with the black side out, in their original cardboard box, preferably vertically. If stored horizontally, avoid placing heavy objects on them.
For magnetic posters and colored boards, we recommend rolling the media with the colored or printed side out, in their original cardboard, preferably vertically. If stored horizontally, avoid placing heavy objects on them. If the posters become badly folded, they can be gently "corned" in the other direction, so that they return to their original position.
For soft magnets and magnetic games, when not in use, keep magnets flat to avoid distortion. Use a soft, dry cloth to clean your magnets. If necessary, you can also slightly dampen the cloth to remove light stains.